Recently, actor Jason Momoa gave a gentle “reminder” to actor Chris Pratt because he saw him using plastic water bottles that were only used once and then thrown away.

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Actor Chris Pratt (40 years old) posted a photo taken at the gym, in his hand holding a plastic water bottle that can only be used once and then thrown away.

Jason Momoa (40 years old) is an actor who actively participates in environmental protection activities. Recently, when actor Chris Pratt (40 years old) posted on his personal account a photo taken at the gym, in his hand he held a disposable plastic water bottle and immediately threw it away. Jason Momoa commented below the photo:

“Dude, I love you so much, but… what is that water bottle… Don’t use disposable plastic items.” Chris Pratt quickly responded in a friendly manner and skillfully explained so that Jason Momoa could understand the story better: “Aquaman! You are absolutely right.

“I always use a large water bottle that I carry with me. Even on the day this photo was taken I had that bottle of water with me. As far as I can remember, someone gave me this water bottle to hold while taking pictures because I didn’t know what to do to pose with my hands! I always don’t know what to do with my hands! Always felt very uncomfortable.

“I love you too, my friend. I also don’t want your hometown of Atlantis to be flooded with plastic waste. Have you heard, young people? Reduce waste. Please reuse. Please recycle.”

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Actor Jason Momoa

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Later, Jason Momoa posted a photo taken with Chris Pratt to soften the situation

In fact, Jason Momoa’s reminder is also quite controversial for Chris Pratt’s fans because many people think that Jason Momoa disrespects the other good volunteer work that Chris Pratt has done.

Later, Jason Momoa posted a photo taken with Chris Pratt and added: “I’m sorry that this was received so poorly today, I never expected that to happen. I’m just very concerned about the plastic waste problem. Single-use water bottles need to be discontinued. I hope you will use reusable water bottles.”