Brittney Griner praised Kate Martin after posting her “new girlfriend” on social media and advised her to stop hanging out with “heterosexual” Caitlin Clark, angering fans.


In a recent social media post, WNBA star Brittney Griner publicly praised fellow basketball player Kate Martin, referring to her as her “new girlfriend.”

The post, intended to celebrate Martin, has unexpectedly stirred controversy due to Griner’s subsequent advice to Martin regarding her friendships.

Griner, in her post, suggested that Martin should cease hanging out with Caitlin Clark, a prominent figure in women’s college basketball, labeling her as “heterosexual.” This comment has ignited a heated response from fans and followers, who have expressed their displeasure and concern over Griner’s remarks.

Fans argue that Griner’s comment about Caitlin Clark is not only unnecessary but also promotes divisiveness. Many believe that personal relationships and friendships should not be influenced by one’s sexual orientation and that such statements could perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

Check it out below:

Kate Martiп (Photo via katemartiп/IG)

Supporters of Caitlin Clark have taken to social media to voice their anger, emphasizing that the basketball community should foster inclusivity and mutual respect. They argue that Griner’s influence as a high-profile athlete comes with a responsibility to promote unity rather than division.

Brittney Griner, known for her advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights and social justice, finds herself at the center of this unexpected backlash. While her intentions may have been to support and protect her new relationship, the advice regarding Clark has overshadowed the positive message she aimed to convey.

Kate Martin and Caitlin Clark have not publicly commented on Griner’s post, leaving fans speculating about the impact of these statements on their personal and professional relationships.

The incident underscores the complexity of navigating personal opinions in the public eye, especially for celebrities and influential figures. As the debate continues, it serves as a reminder of the importance of thoughtful communication and the potential consequences of public statements.

The basketball community, while supportive of its members, calls for a more inclusive and respectful dialogue that transcends personal differences.

In the wake of this controversy, many hope that Brittney Griner will address the concerns raised by fans and clarify her intentions, reinforcing her commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment within the sport.

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