OMG 😱 More Celebs SPEAK UP Against Kamala Harris: “SHE’S EVIL!!”

Recently, several celebrities have publicly spoken out against Vice President Kamala Harris, with some even calling her “evil.” This controversy has intensified following President Joe Biden’s announcement that he supports Harris as his replacement. Harris has become a polarizing figure, especially within the Black community. Critics argue that, like Barack Obama, she has stayed close to the white power structure to maintain her political career. From her controversial career to her rise to the vice presidency, opinions about her are deeply divided.

Many Black celebrities have voiced their disapproval of Harris. Her career as a prosecutor and Attorney General of California has been particularly contentious. Harris has been criticized for her tough-on-crime policies, which many believe disproportionately affected Black and marginalized communities. One such policy was her aggressive stance on truancy, which prosecuted parents of chronically truant children. While the intention was to ensure children stayed in school, it resulted in punitive measures against struggling families, further criminalizing already vulnerable communities.

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Harris also supported California’s three-strikes law, mandating life sentences for individuals convicted of three serious offenses. Critics argue that this law disproportionately affected Black and Latino communities, leading to mass incarceration and breaking up families. Despite increasing public outcry against police brutality and the need for reform, Harris was perceived as not doing enough to address these issues. She faced criticism for not supporting statewide initiatives to mandate body cameras for police officers or to appoint special prosecutors to investigate police shootings.

OMG 😱 More Celebs SPEAK UP Against Kamala Harris "SHE'S EVIL!!"

Another controversial stance was her office’s fight to preserve the state’s right to use prison labor, arguing it was necessary for maintaining the state’s workforce. This drew significant backlash, as it was seen as perpetuating a system that exploited incarcerated individuals, many of whom were Black. Critics saw this as an endorsement of modern-day slavery, further deepening distrust among those who had already suffered under the criminal justice system.

Harris’s personal life has also been a subject of controversy. Claims have surfaced that she got her start by having an affair with married California politician Willie Brown. Brown, who was Speaker of the California Assembly at the time, allegedly helped her career by giving her lucrative board positions. This has led to accusations that Harris’s political career was built on favoritism and not merit.

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Her marriage to Douglas Emhoff, a white man, has also sparked discussions about her commitment to Black communities. Some argue that her personal choices and mixed-race family distance her from Black cultural identity. This sentiment is echoed by certain Black celebrities who see Harris as a transitional figure rather than a true representative of their community.

Comedian Cat Williams has questioned Harris’s identity as a Black woman in his routines, suggesting she does not truly represent the African-American experience. Similarly, comedian TK Kirkland has likened her to a “substitute teacher” who is merely holding the position until a more suitable candidate can be found.

Despite these criticisms, Harris’s supporters highlight her historic rise as the first Black and South Asian woman to become Vice President of the United States. They argue that her diverse background and experiences bring valuable perspectives to her role. Harris herself has been vocal about her identity as a member of the African-American community, countering claims that she is not truly representative of Black Americans.

In a 2019 appearance on *The Breakfast Club*, Harris addressed questions about her identity, stating that she was born in Oakland and raised in the United States, except for her high school years in Montreal, Canada. She drew parallels to the skepticism faced by Barack Obama, emphasizing that these criticisms are not new.

As Harris prepares for the possibility of running for President, the debate over her identity, policies, and legacy continues. While she remains a divisive figure, her historic achievements and ongoing efforts to navigate complex racial and political landscapes cannot be overlooked.