Whoopi Goldberg stops Meghan McCain from grilling Warnock: ‘I am actually going to end this interview’-b

McCain cut off after asking Warnock about packing the Supreme Court

Warnock projected to defeat Loeffler in Georgia Senate race

“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg appeared to shut down her colleague Meghan McCain on Wednesday, abruptly ending an interview when the show’s token conservative attempted to ask Rev. Raphael Warnock tough questions — but the show chalked it up to technical issues.

Warnock — who unseated Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., in Tuesday’s runoff election — was complimented and showered with praise by the liberal panelists on the ABC News daytime talk show before McCain posed her question.

"The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg shut down her colleague Meghan McCain on Wednesday, abruptly ending an interview when the show’s token conservative attempted to ask tough questions to Rev. Raphael Warnock.

“I watched the race closely, just like everyone else, and you talked a lot about unity on the campaign trail, and the need to unify the country, and unify Georgians, but progressives across the country are celebrating the election could mean adding two states, eliminating the filibuster and packing the Supreme Court with more members. Your colleague [Democratic Senator] Joe Manchin has joined the Republicans to reject those ideas, Chuck Schumer tweeted this morning, ‘Buckle Up,’ so you can understand how it’s hard for Republicans like me to believe in the spirit of unity,” McCain said. “I want to know, will you do the same thing as Joe Manchin and agree not to follow up on all those things?”

Warnock dodged the question, saying he “is not focused” on the things McCain mentioned and declared that “ordinary” Georgia citizens care more about potentially losing their health care amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

“Senator, I do believe that average America care about packing the courts and I just want to know if you agree, and join Joe Manchin, and agree that you are not for that,” McCain said.

“My job is to take the concerns that are being raised by my constituent, and what I’m telling you is that they’re asking about their health care. They’re asking about whether they can earn a livable wage for working hard every day, and they’re wondering when in the world they’re gonna get relief after waiting for it for months,” Warnock said, again ignoring McCain’s question about packing the court.


McCain attempted to press Warnock for an answer but Goldberg spoke over her and ended the interview.

“I am actually going to end this interview,” Goldberg said as McCain attempted to talk.

“Hey, listen,” Goldberg shouted, appearing to reprimand McCain. “We are going to say thanks to the Senator-elect Rev. Raphael Warnock and we will be right back.”

“The View” then went to a commercial break and did not immediately acknowledge the awkward moment when it first returned.

An ABC News source told Fox News that “The View” was out of time and Goldberg needed to end the interview early after a technical issue delayed the start and put time constraints on the segment.

Executive producer Brian Teta explained the technical issues on air later in the show, noting that people were “yelling in Whoopi’s ear” that a commercial break was needed while denying any drama between Goldberg and McCain.

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