We’ve never longed for the days of Westlife swaying on a row of kitchen stools quite so much…

Goodness gracious – cover your grandmother’s eyes and hide the children. Because it looks like opening your mouth super wide and verbally vaulting your way through the octaves isn’t enough to sell gig tickets these days.

Oh no, judging from Beyonce, JLo, Rihanna, Bieber and pretty-much-everyone-other-than-Taylor Swift, if you want to fill an arena, you’re going to have to simulate sex in the middle of the stage.

And you’re going to have to go out of your way to direct the audience to your genitalia too – just in case they accidentally get confused and (God forbid) look at your face by mistake.

As a plus, she is covering her bits up with her hands so we can’t see them… 
Of course, to be fair – Beyonce, JLo, Rihanna, Bieber and pretty-much-everyone-other-than-Taylor Swift manage to simulate sex in the middle of a stage really, really well.

And to be even more fair, we’re sure that Taylor Swift would be just wonderful at it too, should she ever feel the overwhelming urge to locate her lady parts and point them out to the whole world.

We’re just secretly hoping that that never happens.

Yep, from Miley’s distracting dance moves and Rihanna’s visual vaginal thrusts, to Ke$ha’s captivating crotch and Bieber’s frankly brilliant balls, we’ve seen more sex on stage this summer than, well, anywhere else.

Which might be a sad reflection of our own sorry lives. Or just a sad reflection of something else…

Why not check out the gallery and make your own minds up:

13 pictures of famous singers seeking attention