(VIDEO) Gutfeld AIRS OUT The Crimes of Diddy & Jay Z On FOX NEWS LIVE!

Greg Gutfeld Criticizes CNN Over Diddy Interview

Gutfeld AIRS OUT The Crimes of Diddy & Jay Z On FOX NEWS LIVE! - YouTube

In a recent segment on his show, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld didn’t hold back as he criticized CNN and its reporter Abby Philip for an awkward interview with rapper Cam’ron about the allegations surrounding Sean “Diddy” Combs. The segment exemplifies Gutfeld’s knack for blending humor with sharp critique, targeting both Diddy and the journalistic practices of CNN.

The Controversial Interview

The interview in question involved CNN’s Abby Philip interviewing Cam’ron, a rapper known for his blunt demeanor and witty remarks. The conversation was supposed to delve into the serious allegations against Diddy, who has been accused of various crimes. However, the interview took an unexpected turn when Cam’ron chose to drink a supplement on camera and questioned why he was being asked about Diddy. His irreverence left the CNN reporter visibly uncomfortable and led to a segment that Gutfeld described as “going into the crapper.”

Gutfeld’s Take on CNN’s Tactics

Gutfeld mocked the premise of the interview, emphasizing that it was inappropriate to drag another rapper into a conversation about Diddy’s alleged crimes without any clear connection. He highlighted how Cam’ron’s reaction, which included making the reporter look foolish for associating him with Diddy’s actions, resonated with many viewers. Gutfeld pointed out that it seemed CNN was trying to elicit a sensational reaction rather than conducting serious journalism.

Industry Reactions and Denials

The segment also touched on how various people in the industry, despite being aware of Diddy’s questionable parties, might not have known the full extent of his behind-the-scenes activities. This lack of awareness or willful ignorance is part of what Gutfeld criticized, suggesting that many were simply lucky to have stayed under Diddy’s radar. The segment featured a clip of Cam’ron rejecting the idea that he would know about Diddy’s treatment of artists, reinforcing Gutfeld’s argument that the CNN interview was poorly conceived.

Tyrus Weighs In

Gutfeld was joined by Tyrus, a regular guest on his show, who didn’t hold back his disdain for Diddy. Tyrus lambasted Diddy for his past actions and criticized the elites for protecting him for so long. He argued that Diddy’s apologies are meaningless and that the real question should be why it took so long for these allegations to surface. Tyrus’s comments underscored the notion that Diddy’s behavior has been an open secret, protected by his wealth and influence.

The Elite’s Protection Network

The discussion then expanded to how the entertainment industry’s elite often protect one another, with Gutfeld and Tyrus both suggesting that Diddy’s case is a prime example of this. They pointed out that powerful figures within the industry and beyond have long shielded Diddy from facing the consequences of his actions. This protection network is something Gutfeld and his panel found deeply troubling, indicating a systemic issue that goes beyond just one individual.

Connections to Kamala Harris and Jay-Z

Gutfeld further stirred the pot by suggesting that even high-profile figures like U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris are linked to Diddy’s inner circle. He insinuated that Harris and other elites are aware of what goes on at Diddy’s infamous parties. This claim, while speculative, fits into a broader narrative that Gutfeld and his show often explore, where political and entertainment elites are intertwined in ways that protect their own.

Additionally, Gutfeld touched on Jay-Z’s close relationship with Diddy, noting that Jay-Z’s silence amid Diddy’s legal troubles is conspicuous. He implied that Jay-Z, known for his collaborations with Diddy, might also be complicit or at least knowledgeable about some of the darker aspects of Diddy’s lifestyle. This insinuation suggests that the fallout from Diddy’s allegations could potentially implicate other major figures in the industry.

Upcoming Documentary by 50 Cent

In an interesting twist, the segment also highlighted that rapper 50 Cent is reportedly working on a documentary about Diddy’s alleged crimes. This documentary, rumored to be titled “Diddy Do It,” is expected to be released on Netflix and promises to shed more light on the allegations. 50 Cent’s involvement adds another layer of complexity, given his history of feuds and his reputation for pulling no punches.


Greg Gutfeld’s segment on the Diddy allegations and CNN’s handling of the interview with Cam’ron was a mix of sharp critique, humor, and pointed commentary. By highlighting the awkwardness of the interview, questioning the tactics of CNN, and bringing in broader industry implications, Gutfeld painted a picture of a media landscape more interested in sensationalism than substantive journalism. His critique extended to the protection networks within the elite circles, suggesting a deep-rooted problem that allows figures like Diddy to evade accountability for too long. As the story unfolds, with potential new revelations from 50 Cent’s documentary, the intersection of media, celebrity, and justice will continue to be a contentious and closely watched arena

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