Jolie-Pitt Kids: Aligning with Team Angie?

Jolie-Pitt's Behavior On Father's Day Speaks Volumes About Brad - YouTube

The Jolie-Pitt family has been a subject of media fascination for years, primarily due to the high-profile divorce and custody battle between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Recently, it appears that their children are increasingly aligning themselves with their mother, Angelina Jolie. This trend has been evident in various actions and statements made by the children, particularly on significant occasions such as Father’s Day and during public events.

Vivienne’s Father’s Day Choice

On June 16, Father’s Day, Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, the youngest of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s six children, chose to spend the day with her mother rather than her father. The 15-year-old accompanied Jolie to the 77th Tony Awards, a significant event where Jolie was a producer for “The Outsiders,” a show that won multiple awards, including Best Musical.

Vivienne’s involvement in the event was notable. She was credited in the Playbill as a “Producer Assistant,” but importantly, she was listed as Vivienne Jolie, not Vivienne Jolie-Pitt. This small but significant detail indicates a shift in her public identity, aligning more closely with her mother.

Shiloh’s Name Change

Vivienne’s actions mirror those of her older sister, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. On her 18th birthday, Shiloh legally requested to change her name to Shiloh Jolie, dropping the Pitt surname. This decision was a clear signal of her desire to distance herself from her father. According to sources close to the family, Brad Pitt was deeply affected by this decision. An insider told People magazine, “[Brad’s] aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name. The reminders that he’s lost his children, is of course not easy for Brad. He loves his children and misses them. It’s very sad.”

Zahara’s Public Identity

Similarly, Zahara Jolie-Pitt, another of the Jolie-Pitt children, has distanced herself from her father. When she joined the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority at Spelman College, she introduced herself as Zahara Marley Jolie. This public declaration of her name without the Pitt surname was another indication of the shifting dynamics within the family.

Pax’s Scathing Message

The discord between Brad Pitt and his children is not a recent development. In 2020, Pax Jolie-Pitt reportedly posted a message on Instagram calling Brad a “world class a–hole” on Father’s Day. This message underscored the strained relationship between Pitt and his son, highlighting the ongoing familial tensions.

Angelina and Vivienne’s Close Bond

Angelina Jolie and Vivienne’s close relationship was further emphasized by Jolie’s comments about their shared interest in theater. According to Jolie, Vivienne was the reason she got involved with the Broadway production of “The Outsiders.” Jolie told Deadline, “I was watching it, but I was really watching the effect it was having on my young daughter and what she was telling me about herself, and I was learning what about it was important to her and why it connected so deeply to her.”

This mother-daughter bond contrasts sharply with the distant relationship Vivienne appears to have with her father. While Jolie and Vivienne work closely together on theatrical projects, there are no similar reports of Brad Pitt having such close collaborative experiences with his children.

The Broader Implications

The actions of Vivienne, Shiloh, and Zahara suggest a broader trend of the Jolie-Pitt children siding with their mother. These decisions are not made lightly and indicate a profound shift in their familial allegiances. The ongoing legal and personal battles between Jolie and Pitt have undoubtedly influenced their children’s perceptions and relationships.

Brad Pitt, despite his efforts to maintain a connection with his children, seems to be facing an uphill battle. The public name changes and social media statements from his children highlight the emotional distance that has grown over the years. The custody battle, public altercations, and media scrutiny have all played a role in shaping the current state of the Jolie-Pitt family dynamics.


The Jolie-Pitt children appear to be increasingly aligning themselves with Angelina Jolie, distancing themselves from Brad Pitt. Vivienne’s choice to spend Father’s Day with her mother, Shiloh’s legal name change, and Zahara’s public identity all point to a significant shift in family dynamics. While Brad Pitt continues to express his love and longing for his children, the reality of their relationships suggests a complex and strained situation. The ongoing narrative of the Jolie-Pitt family serves as a reminder of the profound impact that public divorces and custody battles can have on children, shaping their identities and relationships for years to come