Johnny Depp’s lavish life of spending money like water

Johnny Depp earned $600 million from 1999 to 2016. He spent most of his money on real estate, luxury cars, private planes and many other luxurious hobbies.

Johnny Depp used to be an A-list Hollywood star with a huge salary, an average of 20 million USD per movie. To date, the films he has participated in have brought in a total of 8.7 billion USD in revenue globally. The 59-year-old actor makes a lot of money but also spends a lot on luxury hobbies.

Recently, Johnny Depp’s former financial manager, Joel Mandel, testified in court in the actor’s lawsuit against his ex-wife, saying he earned more than 600 million USD from 1999 to 2016. The 5 Pirates of the Caribbean movies alone have brought him more than 300 million USD. This is also the time when amateurs spend money at breakneck speed.

Real estate owned by Johnny Depp is everywhere. He bought the penthouse in the Eastern Columbia building for $12.8 million in September 2016.

Johnny Depp spends a lot of money on real estate, luxury mansions and expensive cars. The actor only travels by private plane. The Pirates of the Caribbean star spends $100,000 per month on his personal doctor, $10,000 per day on his bodyguard team and $300,000 per month on his entire staff.

According to DailyMail, recent lawsuit records revealed that Johnny Depp spent more than 75 million USD to buy and maintain 14 properties, including a mansion in the south of France worth 13.5 million USD and a private island. private island in the Bahamas, 5 penthouses in Los Angeles. As for the penthouse in the Eastern Columbia building (Los Angeles, California), the actor bought it for 12.8 million USD in September 2016.

Island in the Bahamas and one of the properties owned by Johnny Depp.

Johnny Depp pays his staff up to hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to take care of these properties, which are mostly vacant. The actor also owns a 57,000 square meter farm in Lexington, Kentucky, including a 540 square meter house with 6 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms.

After being given the 1959 Chevrolet Corvette he drove in the movie ‘The Rum Diary’, Johnny Depp began spending a lot of money over the years on his hobby of collecting cars.

In addition to real estate, the actor also collects many expensive classic cars with 45 cars, including the 1960 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost and the 1959 Chevrolet Corvette.

Besides, he also owns a luxury yacht worth 18 million USD and a private jet.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard arrived at Brisbane airport on the actor’s private plane when they were still married.

Johnny Depp plays the famous ‘Greeny’ guitar.

Besides, he also has a collection of guitars, mostly classic models, to serve Johnny Depp’s hobby of collecting and singing.

The artist Basquiat’s work painted in 1981 on a wooden door was bought by the actor at an auction. Its current value is about 3.5 – 5 million USD.

In addition, Johnny Depp also has a lot of expensive jewelry, especially rings. The actor also collected many items that once belonged to Hollywood legends such as Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando… He also bought works by Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat… and needed 12 warehouses. to contain them all.

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Johnny Depp’s current total assets are $150 million.

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