“LeBron Wants to Play”: Joe Rogan Hints at Lakers Star’s Steroids Drama While Digging Out Details of Enhanced Games

The absurdity of LeBron James’ unprecedented longevity still leaves jaws on the floor. At the age of 39 and having played 20 seasons, it didn’t look like the King was worn out. He was still just as productive and performing at a herculean wavelength. It is unheard of for an athlete to do so in any sport. James is different, taking meticulous care of his body and spending millions to ensure he remains in the best basketball shape year after year.

But early last year, a major controversy almost corrupted his image. James was linked to the Biogenesis clinic in Miami, which had come under the microscope for supplying performance enhancers to athletes. He wasn’t found guilty. But in the following months, the likes of former foe Kevin Garnett and MMA legend Chael Sonnen reignited the narrative around James’ wondrous longevity. It didn’t change much, as James always had a clean bill. Yet the claim still lingers on.

But adding fuel to the fire here, Joe Rogam came with his Experience podcast, with an Australian businessman and Enhanced Games founder Dr. Aron D’Souza on his show. The businessman is aspiring to create an Olympic-style event without any restrictions on performance-enhancing substances. While discussing the details of pay to athletes, Rogan took a sarcastic dig at LeBron James. “If someone has a big social media following. If someone is famous. If LeBron wants to play basketball for you guys,” he said in his remark hinting at the Lakers forward’s potential use of PED on the JRE podcast.

USA Today via Reuters

It wasn’t the first time Rogan had asked questions. Previously during the season with Joey Diaz as his guest, the martial arts legend inquired about the NBA’s policies as he watched James torch the Brooklyn Nets for 40 points. “Do they test him for testosterone placement? Not reefer, they can’t. It’s the same reason why it’s so good for the pool; it’s gotta be so good for basketball,” Rogan said back then.

There is nothing that suggests LeBron James does or even has used any illegal means to gain an advantage. The NBA does a random check for each of its players six times a year. Not once there has been a shred of evidence against James for any drug use. Additionally, even a DEA investigator said, “There was never any indication that LeBron James did anything wrong”, during the Biogenesis scandal, according to Bleacher Report.

Joe Rogan once said LeBron James would be a MMA beast

Rogan’s remark toward LeBron James might force some fans to think he dislikes the basketball icon. On the contrary, though, the lead podcaster has been one of his biggest admirers. In fact, he told the MMA community that they are “lucky” the NBA pays James millions, otherwise, he would have become a combat sports terminator.

“LeBron James would have an unfathomable physical advantage over someone who would have an unfathomable physical advantage over you. A guy like that, if he was fighting, everybody would be f***ed! They are lucky, they are God damn lucky there’s that much money in basketball and LeBron James got into it,” Rogan marveled.

This comes from a combat sport virtuoso who has seen the greatest of fighters in front of him. It’s hard to disparage too. Naturally, James measures 6’9″ and 260 pounds and has colossal athleticism and explosiveness to that huge frame. As far as natural gifts, the Akron Hammer is a unique and rare build. As an expert in the sport, Rogan’s take here seems legitimate.

Speaking of the Lakers, if you want to know about the details of the Shaq-Kobe rivalry, watch our exclusive conversation with Leonard Armato in the video below.

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