Facing a southpaw can indeed be a challenging task for orthodox fighters. Their different stance and angles can create difficulties if you’re not prepared. Here are some key adjustments and strategies to help you handle southpaw opponents like Oleksandr Usyk more effectively:

1. Foot Positioning

Outside Lead Foot: Always aim to position your lead foot outside your opponent’s lead foot. This positioning allows you to line up your right hand and creates a more favorable angle for attacking and defending.
Control the Center: Try to maintain control of the center of the ring to limit the southpaw’s movement and force them to adjust to your rhythm.

2. Jab Effectively

Jab to the Body and Head: Use your jab to disrupt the southpaw’s rhythm. A well-placed jab to the body can open up opportunities for head shots.
Double Jab: Double jabs can be particularly effective against southpaws, helping you close the distance and set up your right hand.

3. Right Hand Power

Straight Right: The straight right hand is your best weapon against a southpaw. Focus on timing it well to catch your opponent as they move.
Right Hook: Utilize the right hook, especially when your opponent is close. It can catch them off guard as they might not expect it as frequently as a straight right.

4. Lateral Movement

Move to Your Left: Move to your left to avoid the southpaw’s powerful left hand and to create angles for your attacks.
Pivot: Use pivots to the left to create openings and disrupt your opponent’s offensive flow.

5. Body Shots

Target the Body: Southpaws can often be vulnerable to body shots. Consistent body work can slow them down and create openings for head shots later in the fight.

Right Uppercut: The right uppercut to the body can be a sneaky and effective punch against a southpaw.

6. Defensive Adjustments

High Guard: Keep a high guard to protect against the southpaw’s left hand, and be ready to counter with your right.
Head Movement: Use head movement to make yourself a harder target. Bob and weave to avoid the southpaw’s punches and counter effectively.

7. Counterpunching

Counter the Jab: Counter the southpaw’s jab with a quick right hand over the top or a left hook to catch them off balance.
Timing and Precision: Focus on timing your counters accurately. Southpaws can be thrown off by well-timed counters that exploit their openings.

8. Mental Preparation

Confidence: Believe in your strategy and your ability to adapt. Confidence is key when facing tricky opponents.
Study and Adapt: Study your opponent’s habits and tendencies. Adapt your strategy as the fight progresses to exploit their weaknesses.


Facing a southpaw requires specific adjustments, but with the right strategy and preparation, you can turn their stance into an advantage for yourself. Focus on foot positioning, effective jabbing, powerful right-hand shots, and smart movement. Practice these adjustments diligently, and you’ll find yourself more confident and capable against left-handed fighters.