Terry Crews Reflects on Humble Beginnings and the Future of “Training Day”

Terry Crews Finally Broke The Silence About Working Free In "Training Day"  with Denzel Washington - YouTube

In a recent interview with Club Shay Shay, actor Terry Crews opened up about his early days in Hollywood, sharing a story that underscores his humility and gratitude. Crews, known for his roles in “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” “Everybody Hates Chris,” and “The Expendables,” recounted his experiences working on the acclaimed film “Training Day” with Denzel Washington, highlighting the significance of unpaid work in shaping his career.

Humble Beginnings

Crews’ journey to stardom wasn’t paved with gold from the start. In fact, one of his most memorable roles came without any financial compensation. “I didn’t get nothing for ‘Training Day,'” Crews admitted. Despite not receiving a paycheck, the experience was transformative. “I didn’t get a zero, but it changed my life forever,” he added. This sentiment reflects Crews’ unwavering belief in the value of passion and opportunity over monetary gain.

The actor recalled his excitement when he first saw himself on the big screen. “I remember going to the theater and going, ‘Oh my God, oh my God, I’m on the screen! I made it! I made it!'” For Crews, the joy of seeing his hard work come to fruition was worth more than any paycheck. His role in “Training Day,” although unpaid, was a stepping stone that led to greater opportunities and recognition.

The Importance of Gratitude

Throughout his career, Crews has maintained a positive outlook, viewing every role as a learning experience and a chance to grow. “I have never ever ever looked at whatever money I got as a horror story,” he said. This perspective has kept him grounded and appreciative of every opportunity, no matter how small.

Crews compared his early acting gigs to a young athlete’s journey, emphasizing the importance of playing for love rather than money. “Name somebody who played football for money when they started,” he challenged. “They play football for free. They play basketball for free. Then you get all the way to the pros and you get the millions.”

His gratitude extends to those who helped him along the way. Crews specifically mentioned Ice Cube, who gave him a significant break in the film “Friday After Next.” Despite being paid only $4,000 for his role, Crews saw it as a pivotal moment in his career. “I walked up to him [Ice Cube] and said, ‘Dude, thank you. You have no idea how many careers you started just by giving us that shot,'” he recalled.

The Future of “Training Day”

As Terry Crews reflects on his past, there’s growing excitement about the future of “Training Day.” The 2001 film, starring Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke, is considered a classic in the crime thriller genre. Washington’s performance earned him an Academy Award for Best Actor, solidifying his status as one of Hollywood’s greats.

In 2019, news broke about a prequel series to “Training Day,” focusing on a younger version of Washington’s character, Alonzo Harris. Set nearly a decade earlier in late April of 1992, just before the Rodney King verdict, the series aims to explore the events that shaped Harris into the corrupt narcotics detective featured in the original film.

Fans speculated that Denzel Washington’s son, John David Washington, might take on the role, bringing a familial connection to the prequel. However, despite the initial excitement, progress on the project has been slow, leaving many to wonder if it will ever come to fruition.

Will the Prequel Happen?

The California Film Commission’s recent allocation of $9.1 million in tax credits to Warner Brothers for “Training Day: Day of the Riot” suggests that the project is still in the works. This significant financial support indicates a commitment to bringing the prequel to life.

While details remain scarce, the prequel’s development has rekindled interest in the “Training Day” franchise. The original film’s impact and legacy continue to resonate, making the prospect of a prequel series highly anticipated. If successful, it could provide a deeper understanding of Alonzo Harris’s character and the socio-political environment of the early 1990s.


Terry Crews’ story is a testament to perseverance, gratitude, and the importance of valuing opportunities over financial gain. His reflections on working for free on “Training Day” highlight a critical aspect of success in the entertainment industry: passion and dedication. As we look forward to the potential prequel series, Crews’ journey serves as an inspiration, reminding us that sometimes the most significant rewards come from the most unexpected places.

The future of “Training Day” remains uncertain, but with continued interest and support, it holds the promise of expanding on a beloved classic. Whether John David Washington steps into his father’s shoes or a new actor takes on the role, fans eagerly await the chance to revisit the world of “Training Day” and uncover the origins of one of cinema’s most compelling characters