Katt Williams, known for his contentious nature, recently directed his critique at industry legend Eddie Murphy. Williams has built a reputation as one of Hollywood’s most controversial figures, never hesitating to call out fellow celebrities.

His latest target is Murphy, whom he criticized for being labeled the best comedian ever, arguing that Murphy hasn’t performed stand-up comedy since the 1980s. Williams emphasized that the title should be based on the body of work produced, questioning the logic of considering someone who hasn’t been active in decades as the best.

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Williams’ comments highlight his belief in respect within the industry, despite personal opinions. He asserted that he is the greatest living comedian, boasting a large female fan base and an extensive body of work. Williams also noted that he feels underappreciated as a veteran in comedy, suggesting that his consistent output surpasses many of his peers. He stated that while others might have one or two specials, he has produced ten, showcasing his dedication and work ethic.

Interestingly, Williams previously admitted on Vlad TV that he considers Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock funnier than himself. This admission contrasts with his criticism of Murphy and underscores Williams’ complex views on comedy and its legends.

Murphy, who has had a Hollywood career spanning over 40 years, has faced numerous personal and professional controversies. Despite his successful movie comeback with the release of the fourth Beverly Hills Cop film, his offscreen life has often been tumultuous. Murphy’s focus now is on his family, including his ten children and fiancée Paige Butcher. However, his past is filled with high-profile relationships and scandals.

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In the mid-1980s, Murphy was romantically linked to music legend Whitney Houston. Friends of Houston recall her obsession with Murphy, even making her friends repeatedly watch his film “Coming to America.” Their relationship was intense, with Murphy reportedly advising Houston against marrying Bobby Brown on the morning of her wedding. However, Murphy denied that they ever dated seriously, describing their relationship as more of a friendship.

Murphy’s personal life continued to be eventful. He fathered a son with Paulette McNeely in 1989, shortly before the birth of another son with his then-wife Nicole Murphy. Nicole, whom he married in 1993, gave birth to five of Murphy’s children during their 13-year marriage. Despite their divorce in 2006, Nicole and Eddie maintained a positive relationship for the sake of their children.

One of Murphy’s most publicized scandals occurred in 1997 when he was stopped by undercover cops while giving a ride to a transgender sex worker. Murphy insisted he was simply being kind, but the incident became fodder for late-night talk shows. This and other controversies, however, did not significantly derail his career.

Murphy’s relationship with Spice Girl Mel B was another high-profile romance. The couple’s whirlwind relationship ended bitterly, especially after Mel B became pregnant with their daughter, Angel. Murphy publicly questioned the paternity, leading to a strained relationship. Despite the challenges, Mel B described Murphy as the love of her life but acknowledged that their stardom made it difficult for their relationship to work.

Katt Williams’ recent comments on Eddie Murphy reflect his unfiltered approach to discussing industry peers. While Williams recognizes the comedic talents of figures like Chappelle and Rock, his critique of Murphy’s legacy underscores his belief in the importance of continuous contribution to the art form.