News Hour is always open to your feedback, suggestions, and concerns about our programming, website, and journalism.
As of January 2, 2025, NEW NEWS PAPERUSA is revising our website comment policy and will only allow comments on specific articles that have been moderated. We will communicate in the article when the comment feature has been enabled.
Any questions, complaints, and feedback can be sent to . These emails will be pre-screened for pornography and spam, then distributed to senior staff at NEW NEWS PAPERUSA . Due to the large number of viewer emails we receive each day, it is not possible to respond directly to each letter as we would like.
US mail can be sent to:
Mailing Address:
News Hour Productions
1234 Broad Street
Arlington, VA 22206
Reprints and Rights
We often receive requests to reprint articles or photos from the site or to use the video that runs on the show in other reporting and/or video projects.
You can search the article archive at for the most recent content.
If you have any questions, please contact us via email: []. We are always happy to answer your questions.